Turn audio and video into text

Transcribe text from audio and video files with SmartDocumentor Cloud’s AI engine and reduce the time spent in this activity by over 99%.

SmartDocumentor Cloud is a cost-effective collaborative solution that uses Microsoft Azure AI Services powerful Speech service to provide highly accurate speech-to-text transcriptions of audio and video files, saving organizations a tremendous number of hours and energy spent manually transcribing recordings.
SmartDocumentor Cloud's transcript capabilities

How SmartDocumentor Cloud’s transcription capabilities are being used:

    Interviews transcription
    Courtroom transcription
    Meeting transcription
    Podcasts transcription
    Medical data transcription
    Academic transcription
    Insurance transcription
    Market research transcription
SmartDocumentor Cloud's transcript editor window

Upload and edit online

Upload audio or video files from your computer, send them by email or connect to SmartDocumentor Cloud’s API. SmartDocumentor Cloud provides an intuitive text editor that lets you modify the transcribed text if you detect any errors. You can also export the transcription as a .docx file and edit if afterward using Microsoft Word or another text editor.

SmartDocumentor Cloud's collaborative features

Work collaboratively

Have multiple employees working as a team and reviewing your audio transcripts by creating collaborative workspaces. Split the transcribed text into multiple parts and assign each to a different person for revision to speed up the process.

SmartDocumentor Cloud's transcript supported languages

Support for multiple languages

Because it uses Microsoft Azure AI Services’ Speech, SmartDocumentor Cloud offers support for multiple languages and that list will keep growing. The accuracy with which text is extracted also keeps improving as Microsoft updates their learning models.


Got a question? Get your answer.

How much does a minute of audio transcription cost?
Is it more expensive to transcribe text from a video file?
How long does it take to transcribe 1 minute of audio?
How many languages does SmartDocumentor Cloud support?
Which output text formats does SmartDocumentor Cloud support?
Does SmartDocumentor Cloud recognize multiple speakers?
Book your SmartDocumentor Cloud demo

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